



Dimensions 2.


Adam and Eve.





Symbolism 2.



Flow of Time.

Morphic fields.


Psychic CIA ?.






Version en Français.

throughout time and space without any loss of intensity after they have been created. Sheldrake is still considered to be a heretic by orthodox scientists, but nevertheless his ideas are found to bear out with corroborative experimental data. It can also explain a huge volume of mysteries as diverse as coincidences in scientific discoveries to understanding evolutionary mechanisms.
Bugs ignore Darwin’s rules.

As I mentioned in my introduction, I have studied geology and evolution. I will mention a few examples of species that “go against the grain” of current evolution theory. The Bombardier Beetle is a typical case. Go to http://www.astoundingjoy.com/beetle-fs.html for an interesting debate between creationists and evolutionists! I was recently fooled by some creationist’s arguments  and supposed observations and I conclude that the following abstract has untruths in it! Several translation errors of Dr. Wermann Schidknecht’s work have added to the confusion over how the bombardier beetle functions. To be as fair as possible, here is a very convincing evolutionists view of these bugs. Please go to http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/bombardier.html  
 In Scott Huse’s “The collapse of Evolution” he writes, “ The bombardier beetle is a small insect that is armed with a shockingly impressive defence system. Whenever threatened by an enemy attack, this spirited little beetle blasts irritating and odious gases, which are at 212°F out from two tail pipes right into the unfortunate face of the would be aggressor.
Dr. Wermann Schidknecht, a German chemist, studied the bombardier beetle to find out it accomplishes this impressive chemical feat. The beetle makes his explosive by mixing together two very dangerous chemicals (hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide). In addition to these two chemicals, this beetle adds another type of chemical known as an inhibitor. The inhibitor prevents the chemicals from blowing up and enables the beetle to store the chemicals indefinitely. Whenever a predator approaches it, the beetle squirts the stored chemicals into the two combustion tubes, and at precisely the right moment it adds another chemical known as an anti-inhibitor. This cancels out the inhibitor, and a violent explosion occurs right in the face of the poor attacker.
The basic argument which rages over the bombardier beetle is that for it to have evolved into it’s present form, there must have been progressive stages involved on the path to perfection. Consequently, this beetle would have endured countless generations of being nothing more than a huge danger to itself! There are at least five inter-dependant systems involved in the bombardier beetle’s defence strategy. The beetle, on his way to becoming a bombardier beetle, would have to be smart enough to carefully store the chemicals in a storage chamber apart from the enzymes but in the presence of the inhibitor to prevent them from reacting prematurely with one another. Also to know which enzymes are needed to catalyze the chemical reactions involved, and to be able to secrete them into the combustion chamber. The combustion chamber itself must be very special, able to resist the corrosive effect of the hot, irritating chemicals and strong enough to contain the high pressure without rupturing. The combustion chamber must also be equipped with a highly efficient valve, and the appropriate muscles must exist to manipulate the combustion tube and point it in the right direction. Of course, all of this incredibly complex apparatus would be totally useless without a precisely functional communication system to squirt the charge of chemicals into the combustion tube, secrete the enzymes into the combustion tube, activate the valve at the appropriate moment, and send the correct signals to all of the muscles involved, in order to point the combustion tube in the right direction. Evolutionists would have us believe that all of the hundreds, and most likely thousands, of genes required to direct the construction and operation of all this arose through a series of copying errors. Furthermore, these complex genetic changes had to occur in just the right order, so that at every stage of development the beetle was not only able to survive but also was superior to the preceding stage.
The bombardier beetle is not an isolated case: some types of sea slug (Aeolidia) dine on certain members belonging to the phylum coelenterata. Most sea creatures avoid them because they are covered with stings of the whiplash type. These weapons are normally coiled up, but if a fish comes